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Does Kratom Show Up On Drug Test? Facts You Should Know

You must be wondering if Kratom is legal, why would one worry about “Does Kratom show up on a drug test?” While there are no laws penalizing Kratom consumption, its overdose has been linked to severe side effects. Therefore, DEA now warns the public and encourages them to avoid Kratom. 

About Kratom Addictive Drug 

Kratom is manufactured from a treat, mitragyna speciosa, typically found in Southeast Asia. 

At first, Kratom was largely consumed to treat medical conditions such as coughing, exhaustion, diarrhea, and chronic pain. The drug also induced energy so consumers began to administer it for simulation purposes. 

Kratom became famous as a stimulant drug in the US. Similar to the effects of cocaine, Krotam helped people stay energized and active for longer periods of time. Soon it was adopted as a go-to option by students to help them in social interactions. 

Kratom use is legal but the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) has pointed out that its overuse can be a cause of concern. 

Therefore, a number of studies are being conducted to fully understand its effects. If enough evidence is gathered, there are solid chances that Kratom will be reclassified as illegal. 

Likelihood of Identifying Kratom On a Drug Test

Kratom does show up on a drug test but the successful identification depends on a number of factors. 

Standard drug tests are not sensitive enough to detect Kratom since they do not specifically target Kratom alkaloids. However, high dosage can result in false positives for other opioids. 

Additionally, the detection depends on the quality of the ingested Kratom as well. Since the drug is often sold as a dietary supplement, its concentration varies greatly. Higher levels of contamination and low-quality Kratom can make it impossible to identify the drug correctly. 

The likelihood of Kratom showing up on the drug test also depends on how long the drug stays in your system. This, in turn, is affected by a number of different factors such as: 

  • How long you have been taking the drug. 
  • The amount of drug that you are taking. 
  • The frequency of the use. 
  • How you consume Kratom. 
  • Family history and genetics. 
  • Users age, weight, metabolic rate, and liver function. 
  • Certain health problems. 

Kratom Detection Times With Different Drug Tests

Does Kratom Show Up On Drug Test

  • Saliva Test: Standard saliva tests do not detect alkaloids so Kratom detection is not possible. 
  • Urine Test: Kratom can show on a 10-panel urine test. 5-panel tests are not effective because they are not designed to test for kratom’s specific alkaloids. The 10-panel test is typically used for drug testing because of its convenience and cost-effectiveness. This test can detect the drug 6 hours after it is ingested. Kratom can stay in urine for up to a week or even longer for frequent consumers. 
  • Hair Test: Hair tests can detect illicit drugs in the system for up to 3 months but these do not work for Kratom detection. 
  • Blood Test: Kratom leaves the blood quickly but a test can give positive results for up to 3 days after the last dose. However, blood tests are not typically used for detecting Kratom because of their invasive nature. 

Dangers and Side-Effects 

Although Kratom use has been declared legal, it does not make the drug’s addiction any less risky or dangerous. 

With chronic use, consumers can develop physical dependence on the drug very quickly. If they are forced to stop abruptly, it may lead to withdrawal symptoms including: 

  • Insomnia
  • Muscle aches
  • Cravings
  • Irritability 

Kratom addicts commonly suffer from adverse health effects. Typically, the use may result in: 

  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Constipation
  • Increased urination
  • Itching 
  • Sweating 
  • Lost of appetite 
  • Dry mouth 
  • Dizziness 
  • Tremors and seizures

Prolonged use can induce psychosis-like symptoms. Moreover, drug overdose is also an issue. There have been reports of overdosing especially when the Kratom is mixed with other drugs such as opioids and alcohol. Respiratory depression, sedation, and coma can result in cases of severe overdose. 

How To Treat Addiction To Kratom Drug?

The rehabilitation often takes place at a residential facility and needs several weeks to work with regular care. 

Some programs start with drug detox which include partial hospitalization programs (PHP). During the program, addicts are required to attend multiple sessions per week. There are Intensive Outpatient Programs (IOP) as well in which the sessions are conducted for a few hours per day for a few days in a week. Certain care facilities offer virtual IOPs to meet the needs of consumers with variable daily schedules. 

Other treatment plans include: 

  • Holistic therapy
  • Family therapy 
  • Individual therapy 

How a person goes about to treat their addiction depends on personal preference. They have to choose a program that satisfies them in order to minimize relapsing. 

Take-Home Message

Drug abuse is a problem many face in their lives but now, with professional help, it is possible to carve a new narrative and free yourself of addiction. If you think you have reached a point of disorder, don’t hesitate to contact appropriate facilities for guidance and help. 

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How long does Kratom stay in your body?

Frequency of use, the amount, and your physical health determines how long the Kratom drug will stay in your system. 

Is it easy to treat Kratom addiction? 

Long-term addicts can experience strong withdrawal symptoms. However, Kratom addiction can be treated with weeks of rehabilitation and proper care which is encouraging to know since treatment of certain drug addiction can take up to years. 

What are some less common signs of Kratom addiction? 

Excessive sleeping, sweating, frequent urination, and hallucination often result from prolonged Kratom use. 

Did Kratom originate in the US? 

No, the drug originated in Southeast Asia but soon traveled to the US where it was widely accepted and loved.  

As a cannabis researcher, I leverage my experience to unveil the potential of this therapeutic plant. My research is driven by a desire to empower patients and shape the future of evidence-based cannabis medicine.


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